Pikeville Independent School District staff are available to meet the needs of our community, schools, students, and faculty. If you are unable to find the information you need in the links under 'Departments' above, please reach out to these department leaders.
Superintendent of Schools: Mr. David Trimble - 606-432-8161
Director of Pupil Personnel, Records, Attendance: Mr. Frosty Davis - 606-432-8161
Instructional Supervisor: Mrs. Kim Clevinger - 606-432-8161
Director of Special Education: Mrs. Ashla VanHoose - 606-432-8161
Director of District Wide Services & Assessment: Mrs. Taffie Wells - 606-432-8161
Director of Finance: Mrs. Denise Clark - 606-432-8161
Tax Payment: Mrs. Vivian Bentley - 606-432-8161
Director Food & Nutrition Services: Mrs. Kristy Orem - 606-432-8161
District Technology Coordinator: Mr. Neil Arnett- 606-432-8161
Director of Transportation: Mr. Chris McNamee - 606-432-8161
Family Resource Youth Services Coordinator: Ms. Amanda Hartsock - 606-432-8161